Women's Health

You are unique, and your needs are unique.

Health is more than the absence of illness.  

Being healthy is a synthesis of physical, mental and social well-being.

Experiencing symptoms of fatigue, poor sleep, brain fog is a state of sub-health.

You deserve more.

I believe your body is designed for total wellness and vitality throughout your life.

By listening to you, and carefully examining all influences on your health, the root cause of symptoms can be identified and resolved.   

From here we can develop a comprehensive plan for optimal wellness exclusive to you.

happiness, joy, pure air

Want a free 20 minute custom consultation?

Click on the sign-up button below. 

Are you ready to improve your health?

Are you ready to take the first step?

Achieve your best health now

You know deep inside there are no “magic cures“ or “one-size fits all“ shortcuts to wellness.

Why waste your valuable time on fad products and inconsistent information?

I offer custom consultation to guide YOU on your path to wellness.

No selling you what you don’t need. No cookie-cutter generic advice.

I am dedicated to sourcing everything you need to gain mental focus, stay healthy and be your best self.

Let me help you to cut through the confusion, and guide you what is right for your needs.

It really is about YOU and helping you be your best.

Please feel welcome to contact me with your questions regarding Women’s Health. I work virtually with clients worldwide.

Custom Consultation

it’s all about you!  Your goals. What you need to help you feel your best. 

I passionately believe there is no such thing as a one-size fits all approach to wellbeing. Your needs, challenges, and lifestyle habits are unique.

In this 60-minute consultation we will assess your goals, and create a personalized roadmap to health.  Together we will find and remove blocks to your optimum wellness.

The consultation with Dr. Jenny includes:

  • 60-minute telephone consultation to learn about your health and wellness needs.
  • Professional recommendations for achieving your goals and optimizing your wellness.
  • Exclusive access to high quality, scientifically developed medinutritionals appropriate for YOUR needs.
  • Reductions and discounts on products that fit your needs.
  • Free Gifts and Specials just for you!
  • email follow-up

Stop your wasting time and money on fads.

Invest wisely in your wellness.

Take your first step to feeling fantastic and sign-up for your FREE consultation.

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Follow-up Consultation: Keeping on Track

Sometimes we just need a little bit more support.

This 45-minute consultation is offered to existing clients on an “as YOU need it” basis.

Sometimes things in life happen and  good intentions slide. If you feel you are off track, need more support, or want to review your wellness goals, we will work together to help you get back on track and achieve your goals.

The 45-minute consultation OR one hour email consultation with Dr. Jenny includes:

  • A full review of your progress so far
  • Identifying the blocks to success and developing an action plan to help you achieve your goals
  • A modification to your original action plan if necessary.
  • All of the benefits from your initial consultation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely.  Brain fog and/or lack of focus can be caused by many different things, such as a virus, diet, nutritional deficiencies, emotional issues and more.  Once we have figured out the root cause, we can improve your situation.

Weight loss/gain can be caused by many different factors.  it could be WHAT you eat, WHEN you eat, WHERE you eat and even WHY you eat.  Poor digestion/absorption or elimination can be contributing factors, as can emotional health and nutritional deficiencies. One thing is for sure though – dieting WILL NOT fix this.  Let me help you figure out what is causing you issue, and then show you what you can do to resolve it.

Possibly.  But there are things such as diet (food allergies), viruses, parasites and other health issues that could be involved.  There are also other lifestyle factors that must be considered.  I have helped MANY clients regain strength and energy.

No.  It can be very dangerous to stop taking medication suddenly.  If you would like to wean yourself off of medication, please consult with your doctor and work out a plan.

There are also other measures you can take to improve your sleep and reduce your depression.  I would be happy to help you with that.

Exercise can take many forms – the key to success is that you must enjoy (or learn to enjoy) the exercise you choose.  There are some surprisingly easy ways to get the exercise we need without feeling overwhelmed.  I can help you with that.

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