Today is #GivingTuesday and it makes a welcome contrast from the materialistic ballyhoo of ‘Black Friday’ and ‘Cyber Monday’.

Some people feel awkward with the idea of donating money to charity – especially when they get “hit-up” to get their wallet out for a cause that doesn’t resonate. That’s OK. We all have different values, and no one should be condemned as a Scrooge for not giving….

However, being generous is not just good for others. It benefits you. Research shows “giving” has many positive health benefits. It is associated with lower levels of depression, higher social satisfaction, lower levels of inflammation, lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure. It’s no surprise that a hit of altruism makes you feel all glowing inside and out. As my six year old nephew observed; “It’s nice to be nice.”

Generosity comes in many forms: It could be volunteering time, doing something helpful for someone, a kind word, adopting an animal, donating to a cause. The real currency of giving is compassion. Giving without expectation is a truly evolved human quality. But if you need an incentive, many charities give tax relief…. and people perceive generous people as being more attractive.


As part of the #givingTuesday I am giving my time for free to help you, and help animals.
Over the next month, I am donating a dozen one hour consultations. It works like this: Any client requesting a consultation will pay only half the fees.
Every penny from the half price fees will be paid directly to the Humane Society International.
The HSI is one of the largest animal protection agencies, and works tirelessly for the protection of animals. For more information see

For information regarding scheduling a consultation, please contact me –  I’m happy to help.